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7-12 Bldg Resuming Normal Operation

Dear Madison-Plains Local School District Parents, Guardians, and Staff,

As you may recall from last week, we had a leak in a pipe at the high school, and to fix the leak we had to depressurize the water system to make the repair, which required us to go on a boil alert on the 7-12 side of campus.  

I am pleased to report to you that the leak in the pipe is fixed, and we have our water test results back, and the results are good – the water passed.

As a result, the 7-12 side of campus is able to come off the boil alert, and we will resume normal operation tomorrow, Tuesday, April 09, 2024.  

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked through this issue.

Have a good evening!

Go Eagles!

Chad Eisler, Superintendent
Madison-Plains Local School District