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Madison-Plains Local School District News Article

Notice Regarding Student Data

Notice Regarding Student Data

October 23, 2024

Dear MPLSD Parents and Guardians,

This communication is to inform our parents and guardians about the general monitoring of school-issued devices. 

 Tomorrow, Thursday, October 24, 2024, a new law called the “Education Record and Student Privacy Bill,” Senate Bill 29 (SB29), goes into effect.  In brief, the purpose of SB29 is to help protect the privacy of student data, which is important to the Madison-Plains Local School District (MPLSD).  The bill works to do this by putting protections in place with regard to contracts that school districts enter with technology companies, and it puts provisions in place that require school districts to provide notice to parents and guardians about the monitoring and accessing of student data on school-issued devices.  

The bill requires public school districts in Ohio to send a notice to parents and guardians by October 24, 2024, and annually thereafter, notifying parents and guardians that school districts are monitoring student data.  This communication serves as that notice.  More specifically, the District, either directly or through companies who assist us with technology services, is electing to generally monitor school-issued devices (as that term is defined by R.C. 3319.325) in accordance with the Ohio law.  This monitoring includes features such as location tracking of school devices that can be used when a device is lost or stolen, as well as monitoring students' web searches and what they type on school devices for their safety.  The District (typically classroom teachers) also frequently monitor school-issued devices during the course of providing instruction to students in the classroom, with technical support, and/or exam proctoring.  The above-described monitoring of school-devices is limited to the noncommercial, educationally-related purposes of instruction, technical support, and/or exam proctoring and/or as a necessary precaution for preventing and/or responding to threats to life, safety, health, and wellness.

If you have questions or concerns about this, please reach out to your respective building principal or assistant principal.

Thank you.

Mr. Eisler, Superintendent

Madison-Plains Local School District

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