Voice Recognition

Madison-Plains Local School District News Article

October Calendar Updates

Dear MPLSD Parents and Guardians,

Good evening!  The purpose of this communication is to provide a quick, friendly reminder regarding a few upcoming school calendar events.  
First, as this Thursday, October 17, 2024, is the last day of the first academic quarter, all Madison-Plains Local School District students will be dismissed one-hour early so as to provide time for our teachers to complete end-of-quarter grading.  
Second, this is a short week for students and staff, as there is no school on Friday, October 18, 2024, due to fall break.  Classes will resume on Monday, October 21, 2024.
Finally, the Madison-Plains Local School District has a scheduled teacher in-service next week on the morning of Wednesday, October 23, 2024, and will be on a two-hour delayed start that morning.  Despite the fact we will be on a two-hour delayed start, breakfast will still be available for those students who would like it upon their arrival at school.
Those are all of the calendar reminders I have at this time.   
I hope you have a wonderful evening!
Go Eagles!
Mr. Eisler, Superintendent

Madison-Plains Local School District

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