Dear MPLSD Parents and Guardians,
Greetings! As you may be aware, this week, March 17 – 23, 2024, is Ohio’s Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week, and each year during this week, the Ohio Emergency Management Agency and National Weather Service conduct a statewide tornado drill on Wednesday morning at 9:50 a.m., and schools are encouraged to participate in this drill. Please know that MPLSD did participate in this state-wide drill this morning in our respective school buildings so that our staff and students could rehearse what to do in case of a tornado.
The purpose of this communication is simply to make you aware that we conducted this drill today and also to provide a quick, friendly reminder to encourage everyone to discuss their emergency plans for home, as well. As we have unfortunately seen already this spring, these weather events can happen quickly and can have devastating consequences.
I hope you have a good day!
Go Eagles!
Mr. Chad Eisler, Superintendent
Madison-Plains Local School District