Welcome to Madison-Plains! We are glad that you are here!
Are you new to the district?
Welcome! There are two steps to complete your child's enrollment. One is online enrollment, and the other is bringing in the required documents. Your child will not be enrolled until both steps are completed.
Step 1
Click below to access Final Forms and complete the online portion of enrollment
Step 2
Once online enrollment is complete, we will need to schedule an appointment for you to bring in the following required paperwork:
- your child's birth certificate
- your child's immunization record
- your photo ID
- two forms of proof of residency (junk mail will not be accepted)
- custody paperwork if applicable
- current IEP, Gifted Identification, Special Education, etc.
- last grade card or unofficial transcript
Click below to schedule your appointment
Are you re-enrolling?
To re-enroll a student,
Interested in Open Enrollment?
Madison-Plains Central Office
55 Linson Road
London, OH 43140
Deadline to apply for Open Enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is June 30, 2023.
For all other enrollment questions, please call 740-852-0290, option 2.