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Transcript Request

Transcript Request


To Request an official transcript or verification of graduates,
follow the instructions below.
How to Request a Transcript
All transcripts and verifications cost $2.00 each (unless you are a current high
school senior). Method of payment includes money order, check or cash
payment. No request will be processed without fee enclosed. Once a request
is received, it will take 24-48 hours to process. Please note that we do not
accept any requests for transcripts/ verification via email or by phone.
Requests for individuals 18 years or older must come directly from the individual. 
Instructions for Walk-In-Requests
1. Requests are made at Madison-Plains High School in the High School Office.
2. Fill out the "Transcript Request Form".
3. Make sure you provide your full name when you attended High School
     (including Maiden Name) 
4.. Bring a photo ID and $2.00 fee.
5. We can mail, fax or email the transcript to where ever you are needing
      it to go or take it with you right then.
Instructions for Mail in Transcript Requests
1. Print off and fill out the "Transcript Request Form" located online.
2. Make sure you provide your full name when you attended high school
     (Including Maiden Name). 
3. Provide a copy of your photo ID.
4. Mail completed form along with photo ID and $2.00 fee to address
     provided above.
5. Once received, we will mail, fax or email your transcript to where ever
     you need it to go.
Instructions for Mail in Graduation Verifications for Companies/Employers/Universities
1. Mail in a verification request on company/ school letterhead along with the
     graduate/ non graduate signed release. (electronic sign accepted)
2. Mail in $2.00 fee per request
3. Once received, we will mail, fax or email your request within 24-48 hours.

All Education Verifications must be mailed in to the following address:
Madison Plains High School
Attn: Records
800 Linson Rd.
London, OH 43140

We accept Check/Cash/Money Order made payable to Madison Plains
Instructions for Current High School Seniors 
1.  Come into the High School Office and fill out a "Blue" Transcript Request 
      Form on Mrs. Stoughton's counter.
2.  If you are a Tolles students or Full-time CCP student, email Mrs. Stoughton
      with your information on where you want your transcript to be sent to.
3.  There is no charge to have your transcript mailed if you are a current
      high school senior. (Once you graduate, you must follow the instruction
      above and there would be a $2.00 charge.)

Attachments Available to Download:

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