Would you like to be a Substitute Teacher? The Madison-Plains Local School District is looking for qualified individuals to serve as substitute teachers to continue student instruction in the absence of a classroom teacher.
If you hold a Bachelor's Degree, please contract Heather Burris at the Madison-Champaign ESC. Our substitute teachers are credentialed through the MCESC and they will work with you to obtain the proper license to serve as a substitute teacher. You must hold a bachelor's degree and will be required to obtain and current BCI and FBI background checks which can be done through the MCESC. Ms. Burris may be contacted at 937-484-1557. You may also contact Vicki Blosser, Madison-Plains Local School District at 740-490-0618 with any questions.
If you do not hold a Bachelor's Degree and would like to serve as a substitute teacher, please contact Vicki Blosser, Madison-Plains Local School District at 740-490-0618. The Madison-Plains Local School District requires the following criteria for an individual without a bachelor's degree to serve as a substitute teacher:
- Have graduated from high school at least four or more years prior to the time of substitute teaching
- Have a clear criminal background through BCI and FBI from within the last year
- Be of good moral character
- Be able to provide at least three letters of recommendation
- Attain the temporary, non-degree substitute teacher license through the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (Note: ODEW will need electronic copies of your BCI and FBI to issue a temporary substitute license. You should request your background checks are submitted to ODEW when they are completed.)
If you meet these qualifications and would like to move forward to becoming a substitute teacher, a meeting will be set up with the school superintendent and the proper approval steps may then be taken.
Thank you. We look forward to having to serve our students and community.