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Student Services Department

<div class="configs">Special Education Department</div><div class="line"></div>

The Student Services Department is located adjacent to the Madison-Plains Board Office. This office is committed to providing high quality, comprehensive support services to meet the unique learning and emotional needs of all students. Student Services Department oversees the areas of Special Education, ESL, Federal Grants, Homeless Services, and Title I services.
Special Education: The District offers a continuum of educational placement options for children with learning and/or behavioral disabilities ages 3-22. Special Education services are provided in accordance with Ohio's Operating Standards for Ohio's Schools Serving Children with Disabilities. Those students that may receive special education services are: Preschool children (ages 3-5) who have been identified as having a moderate to severe developmental delays in the areas of communication, motor, adaptive behavior, social-emotional, vision, hearing, or cognitive skills. School-age children (ages 6-21) who have been identified as having one of the following disability conditions: Autism, Cognitive Disability, Deaf-Blindness, Deafness, Emotional Disturbance, Hearing Impairment, Multiple Disabilities, Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impaired, Specific Learning Disability, Speech or Language Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, or Visual Impairment. Once an Evaluation Team Report (ETR - testing and information gathered) is completed and a Determination of Eligibility meeting is held, a student may qualify for an IEP (Individualized Educational Plan). At the IEP meeting, the student's Least Restrictive Environment is determined. This can be one or multiple educational settings: regular classroom, supplemental instruction, special class, cross-categorical classroom, or resource room.
ESL (English as a Second Language): Every new student to the district has to fill out a home language survey. This is then sent to the Special Education Department if another language is spoken in the home. The Department then will test those students to see if they qualify as an ESL student and in need of tutoring in the English Language. If they qualify for tutoring services, those students receive tutoring and will also take the OELPA test in February of each school year to determine if they are proficient in the English Language or are in need of further tutoring.
Homeless: If a family finds themselves in a Homeless situation, they may contact the school for assistance.
Title I: Madison-Plains Title I services covers grades K-6 and students are placed in the service if the data that is collected shows they are struggling in reading and need the extra services. Students are placed in groups of no more than five and are seen by a Title I Reading Specialist every day for 1/2 hour of intense instruction. The students receive benchmark testing three times within the school year - at the beginning, at semester time, and again at the end of the school year. Their progress is monitored daily throughout the school year.
Community may contact the Special Education Department by phone at 740-490-0624 or mail requests for information to: Special Education  Department, Madison-Plains District, 55 Linson Road, London, Ohio 43140. Director of Special Education may be reached at [email protected] 


Meredith Ford

Director of Student Services / Special Education

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