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The Latest News & Events

October Calendar Updates

Dear MPLSD Parents and Guardians,

Good evening!  The purpose of this communication is to provide a quick, friendly reminder regarding a few upcoming school calendar events.  
First, as this Thursday, October 17, 2024, is the last day of the first academic quarter, all Madison-Plains Local School District students will be dismissed one-hour early so as to provide time for our teachers to complete end-of-quarter grading.  
Second, this is a short week for students and staff, as there is no school on Friday, October 18, 2024, due to fall break.  Classes will resume on Monday, October 21, 2024.
Finally, the Madison-Plains Local School District has a scheduled teacher in-service next week on the morning of Wednesday, October 23, 2024, and will be on a two-hour delayed start that morning.  Despite the fact we will be on a two-hour delayed start, breakfast will still be available for those students who would like it upon their arrival at school.
Those are all of the calendar reminders I have at this time.   
I hope you have a wonderful evening!
Go Eagles!
Mr. Eisler, Superintendent

Madison-Plains Local School District

October 8th - Boil Alert Update

October 8th - Boil Alert Update

Dear MPLSD Parents, Guardians, and Staff,

The purpose of this message is to let you know that MPLSD has received our water test results back.  The test results show MPLSD can come off of the boil alert, and so as of this morning, Tuesday, October 08, 2024, the District's boil alert is cleared, and the District is back to normal operating procedures.  

Thank you, again, for your understanding and support.

Have a good day!

Go Eagles!

Mr. Eisler, Superintendent
Madison-Plains Local School District
District Power Outage Updates

District Power Outage Updates

Dear MPLSD Parents, Guardians, and Staff,
The purpose of this message is to provide one final update with regard to the power outage we experienced today, Friday, October 4th, 2024.  
At this time, power has been restored to all of our buildings, but because the outage affected our entire campus, both sides of campus will be on a boil alert during the early part of this coming week, likely at least through Tuesday, while we await water test results.  I will work to send communication to you when we are clear of the boil alert.  While we are on the boil alert, we will work to have bottled water on hand for staff and students, as well as hand sanitizer.  We do encourage all students and staff to bring a bottle or two of water with them to school, though.
Thank you, again, for your support and understanding.
I hope everyone has a good weekend.
Go Eagles!
Mr. Eisler, Superintendent
Madison-Plains Local School District
October 4th, 7-12 Power Update

October 4th, 7-12 Power Update

Dear MPLSD Parents and Guardians,

Good morning!  I wanted to share a quick update on the power outage at the JH/HS.  As of last evening, we are off the generator at the JH/HS and back on regular power.  When we switched over last evening, there was a hiccup with the HVAC.  We are investigating that, but it seems to be running.  We will continue to look into it.

With regard to water, we remain on the boil alert at the JH/HS and likely will until probably sometime on Tuesday of this coming week.  We have to wait for water test results before we can clear that.

Again, thank you for your continued understanding and support.

I hope you have a great day!

Go Eagles!


Mr. Eisler, Superintendent
Madison-Plains Local School District


7-12 Power Outage Update

Dear MPLSD Parents, Guardians, and Staff,
The purpose of this message is to provide an update on the power outage at Madison-Plains Junior High and High School.  
It appears at this time that we have two issues with the electrical system at the Junior High and High School.  In order to fix one of the problems, we have to shut the power off to the entire building this afternoon once school dismisses.  As such, the Junior High and High School will be closed for the rest of the day beginning at 3:30 p.m. today, Wednesday, October 02. 

The Junior High football game scheduled for this evening can continue as planned, as the stadium is not on the same power and water system as the Junior High and High School.  HS football practice will also be able to continue as planned, as well.
High school volleyball will practice at the Intermediate School.  The Junior High volleyball team will have their pre-game meal at the Intermediate School and leave for their game from there.  

Power Outage Updates

Dear MPLSD Parents, Guardians, and Staff,

 The purpose of this message is to provide an update on the power outage at Madison-Plains Junior High and High School.  Currently the Junior High and High School are operating on electricity provided by our generator.  All systems are operational except for the HVAC, and all of our students and staff are safe.

 Students and staff are able to use the restrooms.  However, due to the fact that we lost power, the 7-12 building is now on a boil alert.  As such, students and staff cannot drink the water from the water fountains and hand sanitizer needs to be used to clean hands.

 We are hoping to have as normal of a day as possible from this point forward.  Our 7-12 cafeteria staff is working to put a lunch together.

 Though we had hoped that reconnecting the fuse at the pole by the street would fix the problem, it did not.  We are working to try to determine the exact cause of the power outage.

 I will continue to send updates as needed.

 Thank you for your continued understanding and support.

 Chad Eisler, Superintendent

Madison-Plains Local School District


7-12 Power Outage

Dear MPLSD Parents, Guardians, and Staff,

I'm reaching out to you to let you know that a short while ago, the junior high and high school lost power.  We believe the problem is simply a fuse on the power pole by the street.  We have contacted the power company, and they will send a truck out to address the problem.  At this time, we are hopeful this will be an easy fix, and we hope to have a relatively normal day at the 7-12 building.  Because of the timing of this, and because we are hopeful this will be an easy fix, we are having students and staff come into the building.  
The K-6 building does have power, so their day will proceed as normal.
I will keep you updated on the situation at the 7-12 building.
Thank you.

Chad Eisler, Superintendent
Madison-Plains Local School District
September MPHS Rotary Student of the Month

September MPHS Rotary Student of the Month

Congratulations to Ki, and her parents, on being selected as the MPHS Student of the Month for the London Rotary Club for September 2024!  Well done!  Keep up the great work!  Go Eagles!

Our Mission

As a partnership of rural, agricultural communities, the Madison-Plains Local School District will achieve excellence through quality educational resources to maximize student success.

Fast Facts


Top 25%
MPLSD ranked in the top 25% of all school districts in the state of Ohio based on the amount of progress the District has demonstrated with our students.  Value-Added measures the level of growth, or progress, students make over multiple years.

Gifted Achievement

Top 100
MPLSD students who are gifted achieved among the highest achievement scores in the state in the spring of 2019, ranking in the top 100 districts and earning a 117.6 performance index score out of 120 possible points.  They also had the highest achievement in Madison County.

Student Progress

MPLSD earned an “A” for student progress – an accomplishment the District has been working hard towards.
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