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Voice Recognition


Recently the Madison Plains Meat judging team placed second at the State Meats
Evaluation Career Development Event (CDE).   The team managed to earn our chapter a banner.
The team included Mackenzie Dixon, Molly Barber, Lucas Stephenson, Cainan Kelly, Lucas
Furbee, Jenna Bailey, Laura Sampson, and Kinsey Null.

The team had to compete on an online test rather than their normal on scene judging
which is normally challenging. The online test was a complex test about different meat
specieses and cuts. Mackinzie Dixien placed second in the state and Molly placed seventh so
both girls will be receiving an award.

Our chapter received another banner by participating and placing second in the State for
the Greenhand Quiz. The Greenhand Quiz is an optional CDE where students complete a
challenging quiz based on their FFA knowledge.

The team included Lindsey Call, Laura Sampson, Molly Barber, Jason Johnson, Lane
Lyons, Amy Burchett, Crystal Weimer, Chloe Kelly, Kristin Eades, and Kinsey Null. This test includes
Ohio FFA History, National FFA History, and history of Agricultural Education. It also could
include questions about the three circle model and how Agricultural Education fits within Career
Technical Education. Both Lindsey and Laura will be receiving an award for placing top ten,
Lindsey placing fifth and Laura placing seventh. Congratulations to these hard working ag

By Caden Alkire
2020 FFA Secretary

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